Thursday, June 10, 2010


"Send out your bread upon the waters...Light is sweet and it is pleasant for the eyes to see the sun." (Eccles. 11:1, 7)

Seeing the sun is a complex process of many gifts of grace working together: eyes that can see, a sun that brings light and warmth, the surrounding sights and smells of the moment. This short passage from Ecclesiastes today invites us to act, not to ponder, not to weigh the options or probabilities of success, but to live in the moment and give of what we have. We don't know if our impromptu gifts will be taken and used or just sink to the bottom. But it is better to use the time and gifts we have than to save them for later. The "seeker" in Ecclestiastes reminds us our days are numbered.

Daily office year two:
Eccles 11:1-8; Ps. 71; Gal. 5:16-24; Matt. 16:13-20

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