Friday, June 4, 2010

Against All Odds

The photo "Against All Odds" seen here was taken by Paul Sedelnick Paul lives in what's known as the Northest Kingdom in Vermont, not too far from where I live...except about 2 climate zones north! I didn't see this flower for myself, but I can imagine it, having driven over many roads "up north" like the one in this picture. That part of the US is pretty amazing. Here you can see green in background, a far cry from the below zero temps and snow during the winter! That kind of extreme weather takes it toll, and you can see the little cracks opening up along this road. (check out the website and Paul's page ..../sedelnick)

However, you interpret the lectionary from Matthew today (Jesus walking across the water to meet his disciples during a storm), you can't miss the stiking images, darkness then the eerie light of morning, wind, maybe lightening, uncertainty, the shocking vision of someone (a ghost!) walking across a lake. Prior to this story in Matthew, Jesus had just taught thousands of people and fed them with five loaves of bread and two fish before sending them home.

Today this story comes across to me from the disciples' perspective. What a roller-coaster ride! They just heard a man among them preach with amazing power, and then see a miracle performed with the feeding of thousands. With their bodies and souls fed, the disciples were told to get into the boat and head out across the lake, on their own without their Lord alongside them.

A featured character is Peter. Here we see his impulsiveness and (sound familiar?) approach of "ready - fire - aim!" Repeatedly Jesus taught of the cost of following his teachings. In this story we are reminded through Peter of our humanness, impulsiveness, and emotions which have caused all of us to fail at some time. However, this story reminds us that in times of doubt or calamity we should turn to God in faith and hope that we are cared for and watched in this picture of a flower sprouting up in the crack between the asphalt and the granite curbing.

Mediation: "Lord, help me to trust you always and never doubt your presence power to help me. In moments of doubt and weakness help me to cling to you as Peter did. Strengthen my faith so that I may walk the path you have set out for me, neither veering off to the right or left. Amen."

[you can find additional commentary on today's reading from Matthew, please see]

Daily lectionary year two:
Eccles. 5:1-7; Psalms 40, 54; Gal. 3:15-22; Matt. 14:22-36

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