Saturday, June 5, 2010

Enjoy, But Don't Be Greedy

We are familiar with the theme of "vanity" in Ecclesiastes. Vanity to the modern West usually has connotations of appearances, especially physical, and how the pursuit of appearances either works, but only for awhile, or is completely futile altogether. The bottom line message seems to be, if everything is worthless and not worth pursuing anyway, so why bother at all?

But trickled into today's reading, that's not the message we find if we look closely and think about what the "seeker" is saying: " is fitting to eat and drink and find enjoyment in all the toil with which one toils under the sun the few days of life God gives us..." So in the midst of the pessimism that can bog us down everyday (and certainly what we get pasted with in Ecclesiates!) we are gently urged to take stock of what we have and use it, without concluding that we don't have much! The only thing we don't have much of is time.

Meditation: "Most generous God, give us to patience to embrace the blessings we have with contented hearts, and make the most of them to our benefit, the benefit of others, and always giving thanks to you. Amen."

Daily office year two:
Psalm 55; Eccles. 5:8-20; Ga. 3:23-4:11; Matt. 15:1-20

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