Monday, June 21, 2010


This image is from a website called and the page I read was talking about virtual reality games (computer games) and how the equipment, weapons, etc. of the character you chose affected how the virtual character was able to play the game.

There's a lot in today's lectionary about baggage, or what encumbers us. To the Levites in Numbers at this point in their journey, envy and jealousy were encumbering them. We see the phrase "is it too little for you ..." a couple of times in the reading. Apparently, attending to the priests and the holy tent wasn't enough...and nor was escaping from Eqypt, being fed and protected along the way, etc. etc. Paul in Romans is still arguing about how the "law" is encumbering the Jews, preventing them from seeing the larger picture: what is important is apart - and above - the "law" as the Jews are focused on it.

Then comes Jesus' two-part injunction in Matthew (NRSV translation):

(19-14) let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the Kingdom of heaven belongs....

(19:21) If you with to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come and follow me.

Fast forward to the "Gamma explorers" in the picture visting this planet. They find the remnants of a long-gone society. I wonder how they interpret what they find: is all this stuff what made the absent culture strong or what ultimately ruined them?

Daily office year two:
Num. 16:1-19; Ps. 89:2-18 / 19-52; Rom 3:21-31; Matt. 19:13-22

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