Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Simple Meal

Better is a dinner where love is, than a fatted ox with hatred in it. Prov. 15:17.

This picture reminded me of a passage in a book I'm reading called Souls in the Hands of a Tender God (Craig Rennebohm) in which he tells many stories of care for people in most need of it. The key word is "companionship" which comes from the Latin cum panis...with bread. "Sharing even the most humble meal," says Rennebohm (p.72), "can be a sacred act. In all known cultures, enjoying food and refreshment is an expression of kindness and friendship, a sign of grace and true welcome."

Daily office year two:
Psalm 26; Prov. 15:16-33; I Tim. 1:18-2:8; Matt. 12:33-42

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