Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010

The context of Deut. is the end of the journey and impending entrance into the Promised Land. During this journey God sustained his people in many ways: His presence through faithful leaders and care for the physical needs of the people (water, meat, manna). Remembering that one rendering of manna is "man hu" may mean "What is it?" from the Aramaic, at the end of our journey to fulfill our faith, what is it for us?

The Psalm today gives thanks for all those things God provided during the journey and Col. continues to urge us to mind the way God works so that we may work on and perfect our work in our lives.

Jesus urges the people to "throw in your lot with the One God has sent." (The Message) he is the One example of how to live.

Daily Office Year Two
Deut. 8:1-3; Ps. 103; Col. 1:1-14; John 6:30-33, 48-51

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