Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Good Work

O Lord, we acknowledge that true gifts come only from you and without you we will fail. Grant that our undertakings may be from you, with you, and in you, so we may enable you to shine forth in this world. AMEN.

daily office year 2:
Jds 13: 1-15; Ps 97,99/94; Acts 5:27-42; John 3:22-36.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Mondays are Tough

Mondays are tough. I find myself Sunday evening into Monday morning trying to psyche myself up to get mentally ready for the week. Sunday I attended a worship service, made a home visit to some shut-in parishioners, cooked and served a simple evening meal at a homeless shelter, and bought some coffee and sandwiches for and spent some time with a couple of homeless people living out in the woods. Lingering in my mind, though, is the dread, no other way to describe it, of immersing myself back into the dog-eat-dog daily routine of work and all the attendant frustration and disagreeable encounters that it sometimes brings.

I am amazed at what happens to me from the “high” of a spiritual Sunday to the “low” (and dread) on Monday. It just doesn’t carry through sometimes, though I know it should and I should be open to allowing that to happen.

So, with apologies to the author of the collect for Proper 14….

Gracious God, grant us the spirit to think and to do those things which are right so that we may be enabled to live according to your will, both on Sunday and on Monday. AMEN.
Daily office year two:
Jds 12:1-7; Ps 89:1-18/19-52; Acts 5:12-26; John 3:1-21